Gregory Smith

Gregory Smith's Fundraiser

We can promote inclusion for athletes with disabilities image

We can promote inclusion for athletes with disabilities

Join me and help make a difference, please give today. #TogetherWeWheel


$97,226 towards $100,000

On November 6, 2021, I will be toeing the start line of Ironman Florida to swim, bike and run 140.6 miles in support of The Kyle Pease Foundation, an organization near and dear to my heart. KPF provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate in and enjoy endurance sports alongside able bodied competitors. The Foundation began in 2011 after my friend Kyle Pease, who lives with cerebral palsy and is quadriplegic, and his brother Brent completed their first triathlon together and realized the positive impact racing could have on children and adults in similar situations. Nine years ago, this organization embraced my daughter Marin (who also lives with cerebral palsy) and me to begin our racing journey together. Our involvement has blossomed into a passion to bring more families impacted by disability into the fold. We have sponsored hundreds of wheelchair assisted racers and families in their first 5k road races, half marathons, full marathons, and all the way to Ironman Triathlons. These families now yearn to see multiple start and finish lines as we grow the number of racing opportunities provided each year. The most special part is seeing the smiles of our wheelchair athletes at finish lines and the confidence that unfolds over time knowing that they are included and “Anything is Possible."

Your generosity can fund this powerful organization in many ways with over 88% of every dollar raised going directly to support the mission. Examples of the direct cost for a wheelchair assisted person to race include:

  • 5K race: $75
  • 10K race: $250
  • Half Marathon: $500
  • Racing wheelchair: $6,000
  • Ironman or Half Ironman Triathlon: $10,000 (race entry, specialized equipment, travel, logistics and caregiver support)

In 2019, The Kyle Pease Foundation expanded its mission to provide full and part time employment opportunities to three people living with disabilities. My personal goal is to raise $100,000 to cover the salaries for these three individuals in 2022. We have kicked off this fundraiser with an initial family contribution of $10,000. In addition, my family will MATCH DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR each tax deductible gift you make to support inclusion until we reach our goal!

I achieved my personal best Ironman Triathlon time of 12:27:59 in the 2017 running of Ironman Florida, and I have a BIG GOAL of breaking the 12 hour mark this time around. Won't you dig deep alongside me to support inclusion for those with disabilities!

With deep appreciation,


Please watch this inspiring video about the amazing life of Kevin Enners, originally a Kyle Pease Foundation supported athlete and now the foundation's Director of Engagement and one of the employees of the foundation your donation will support!