William Papleacos

William Papleacos's Fundraiser

We can Support Inclusion image

We can Support Inclusion

Donating will help all athletes reach the finish line!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$704 towards $700

Join me in supporting change. Let's support good in the world and make a difference.
Help us Create a path to Permanent Change for The Kyle Pease Foundation

Running gives me a lot of enjoyment and crossing that finish line gives me the feeling of accomplishment! I am thankful that I am able to race alongside Noah with the Kyle Pease Foundation at the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon and I look forward to sharing this accomplishment with him! Come cheer us on and celebrate this great foundation.

Donating to this great foundation will help fund disabled athletes so they can reach the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon finish line and other finish lines in future races.