Mick de Meijer

Mick de Meijer's Fundraiser

Support Me in Empowering a Disabled Athlete to Break Barriers and Conquer Atlanta Streets Together! image

Support Me in Empowering a Disabled Athlete to Break Barriers and Conquer Atlanta Streets Together!

Your donation makes a real difference, so please give today.


$150 towards $900

I'm running for the Kyle Pease Foundation as an athlete running partner in the PUBLIX half marathon on March 2, 2205. Life is short and fragile. Disabled athletes who strive to go beyond their limits deserve all the support they seek.

Your small donation can make a big difference in helping me reach my goal for The Kyle Pease Foundation.

In 2024, I ran 4 half marathons without any physical barriers—just my mental hurdles, the challenges of nature, and the discipline of sticking to a training plan.

But that’s nothing compared to the true warriors: athletes with disabilities who defy limits every day. The Kyle Pease Foundation empowers these incredible individuals, providing the support they need to achieve their dreams.

Join me in celebrating their strength and resilience by supporting this cause. Thank you for making a difference! ~ Mick