Lauren Croft's Fundraiser

Creating finish lines at ALL LEVELS!
Please donate to help support inclusion at starting lines and create more finish lines.
In 2019, as an individual, I signed up for an event that would push me past my limits. That event introduced me to the Kyle Pease Foundation, an organization which is always seeking and accomplishing more opportunities for inclusion. KPF and community inspire me to re-evaluate my perceived limits and motivations. I now feel challenged to do more than set individual goals; I want to be able to share the feeling of accomplishment with others who may experience life and sport differently.
Since I learned of the Kyle Pease Foundation in 2019, I have been hoping to get involved ‘one day’ but my own perceived limits were holding me back. It took a call for teammates in early 2024 along with the knowledge that my decision to act rather than passively think about ‘one day’ could potentially make a difference in others’ journey for inclusion to get me motivated to take the leap. I am so glad God nudged me to do so. Following that first leap and since meeting these amazing people, my perspective regarding my own limitations and how we can lift up those around us has been shifted.
I will be ALL IN for any event that involves such wonderful people and athletes as KPF. I am so grateful to know these amazing athletes, teammates, and families and to have had the inclusion extended to me. One community I joined as an individual lead to another magical and fabulous community with which I am so proud to be involved.
Looking forward to 2025 to when we will be rolling through finish lines again is more than slightly nerve-wracking, each event pushing my farther than previous. However, I will lean on other KPF athletes who not only demonstrate but live out the fact that when we push past “limits” set by ourselves or others we learn they are not actual limits at all and we get to create new starting lines, cross finish lines, and make memories with the amazing people God placed around us in our journey.
Please consider donating to help athlete of all levels cross more finish lines. This is just the start of what we can accomplish together!
The Kyle Pease Foundation encourages us to push for more inclusion through life and sports. I encourage you to learn more about it here:
“The purpose of the Kyle Pease Foundation (KPF) is to create awareness and raise funds to promote success for persons with disabilities by providing assistance to meet their individual needs through sports.”