Zaeem Johnson's Fundraiser

Support For Zaeem Johnson
Join me and help make a difference, please give today.
Support our Number 1 Guy
Dear Friends –
On September 14, Zaeem Johnson was riding his bike and tragically hit by a motor vehicle. Zaeem suffered a traumatic brain injury and is hospitalized in a coma as he fights to recover. The path to recovery is long and complicated and requires a vast army of hospital and third-party caregivers. Zaeem’s dad Chris and the entire Johnson family have been long time volunteers, supporters, and friends of The Kyle Pease Foundation whose mission is to support people living with disabilities. Given the long term needs the foundation has set up a directed grant to support Zaeem and his family. Please consider giving generously to support the Johnson family with a tax-deductible donation toward this grant to help alleviate a small portion of the financial burden the family is facing. To learn more ways you can support and for updates on Zaeem, please visit the Caring Bridge site that the Johnson family has set up to communicate with friends regarding Zaeem’s progress. https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mynumber1guy