Sarah Hollingsworth's Fundraiser
Help our athletes beyond the finish line!
Join me and help improve the lives of people with disabilities through sports
Join me in supporting real change in the lives of people with disabilities. Let’s help our athletes, beyond their finish lines at the 2022 Marine Corps Marathon! Help us fuel more grants in support of The Kyle Pease Foundation
I have known Kyle and KPF for the past 6 years and am finally taking the step to running with KPF. I am excited to be joining The Kyle Pease Foundation at the 2022 Marine Corps Marathon in support of people with disabilities! Your gift will go a long way to help support the athletes and families that make up The Kyle Pease Foundation. It isn’t about the race shirt or medal. Research has shown that an in-chair athlete experiences the same rush of endorphins their push-assist athlete does. More significant is that they and their families get to be like everyone else for a moment! As a physical therapist, friend to the founders of KPF, and long term advocate for those with disabilities this race is extremely personal. It is a pleasure and a joy to get to participate!
Join me and help me reach my fundraising goal today! To learn more about The Kyle Pease Foundation click here: