Jakob Bohannon

Jakob Bohannon's Fundraiser

HelpJakob go beyond the finish line! image

HelpJakob go beyond the finish line!

Support Jakob in his goal of rolling in the MCM


$250 towards $250

As many of you know Jakob has Cerebral Palsy and is limited in the activities that he can participate in. Jakob loves racing and we are hoping to reach his goal so that he can be a part of the 2022 MCM.This is a big adventure that we are excited to be a part of and enjoy. The KP Foundation makes the dreams of being a part of something that otherwise would be out of reach. Let's keep Jakob rolling!!!

I am excited to be joining The Kyle Pease Foundation at the 2022 Marine Corps Marathon in support of people with disabilities! Your gift will go a long way to help support the athletes and families that make up The Kyle Pease Foundation. It isn’t about the race shirt or medal. Research has shown that an in-chair athlete experiences the same rush of endorphins their push-assist athlete does. More significant is that they and their families get to be like everyone else for a moment!

Join me and help me reach my fundraising goal today! Any amount will help us to reach our goal of $250.

To learn more about The Kyle Pease Foundation click here: www.kylepeasefoundation.org